Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project Runway Here I Come.....

I secretly want to be a contestant on Project Runway....granted I am a beginner and need to re-evaluate after I officially sew something on my own. My momma, who is a whiz at sewing, brought her sewing machine and taught me how to put a zipper in, how to hem a skirt, how to cut out the fabric pieces, what fabrics to use, how to make ruffles...etc. I made tons of mistakes, like sewing the skirt in backwards and making the bodice too small....but like Tim Gunn says "make it work". I plan on wearing a cute cardigan and belt with it in the spring! This was such a fun project to do with my momma!


nicole said...

I am so impressed

Day Trippin' said...

We are awesome...aren't we?