Thursday, February 25, 2010

Meet Aww Suki Suki

I have always been a Labrador girl. I had a black lab, Sammy Joe, in my life for 13 years. All my family members own labs. So when I got married....we got a lab. Our little lab, Lucy, got out of her fence while we were away and we no longer own a lab....after 8 months of mourning we were ready to be pet owners again. Suki is a full-blooded Siberian Husky(the hubs has always wanted a Husky)...her registered name is Aww Suki Suki. We have had her for 1 and a 1/2 years now and have loved it! We feel like she is a little human. She is very intelligent.......she talks to us (in husky language), she sings along to Andrew playing the harmonica (mostly hymns), and knows at least 10 words. We are like those parents who spell out I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M in front of their children, so they don't go nuts. We think she is pretty special! She is not perfect though....she has difficulty walking on hardwood floors. We lived in a small apartment for her first year and she would never go into the kitchen because of the tile flooring. So we found a new house with a great backyard.....but the house has hardwood floors in EVERY room. SCARY right? She has adjusted well and has her safety zones on the scattered rugs.
I love watching her run around freely in the backyard!

Yes, I realize I just wrote a BLOG about my dog but she is pretty extraordinary.

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