Tuesday, February 22, 2011

#9 Figure out how babies work....practice on Emma...

I could smell the stench brewing from a mile away. A look of terror fell over my face as Emma was making her "poo face". Up until now, I haven't received ANY poopy surprises. On previous diaper explosions, from when we would babysit Will (6 years ago), Andrew would take care of them because he knew that I would barf at any slight smell of a stink. Andrew, the sweet hubs that he is, gave me a little pep talk, "you got this, Case". I knew I would have to go boldly where I had never gone before....

Let me give you a little background information before I give you my baby tips on changing a beast of a diaper. The gag reflex has been working long since I can remember. Around the year of 1990, my dad made me barf with his "morning business". Around the year of 2000, one of my friends let one slip and I had to pull over the car, but I was too late and barfed all over my leg. The year 2010, someone let one slip while outside and I ran inside and puked. WHO DOES THAT! These are the big three gags of my lifetime. I am not even counting all the numerous times I have gagged at youth group kids, Suki, brothers, birth, public bathrooms, etc... the tightness in the back of the throat is happening right now!

So with that in mind, I'll give you the tips that I, the gaggiest person in the world, used in changing the nastiest diaper ever.

Baby Diaper Explosion Steps for those who gag easily:
You will need baby changing pad(s), a box of wipes, fresh diaper, candles, matches, a coach, loosely fitted t-shirt, plastic sack and latex gloves.
1. Place child on changing pad.
2. Light candles with matches.
3, Put gloves on.
4. Cover nose and mouth with loosely fitted shirt and take deep breaths.
5. Look to coach for pep talk, "you got this, Case".
6. Slowly unstrap the diaper that holds the yuckiness.
7. Allow coach to hold the legs and remind you to breath (inside your t-shirt of course).
8. Use at least 20 wipes to clean up the nastiness that looks a little like guacamole.
9. Dispose of the diaper in a plastic sack in your neighbor's trash can! Get that stuff far away as possible!
10. New diaper on and we are good to go.

I know, it sounds dramatic, but I did it! My first gross diaper to change EVER!

How can something so GROSS come out of something so CUTE??


Ginger said...

haha!! Love it. You can do it sis! I want a little niece/nephew. :) Hurry up with the cradle list!

Unknown said...

Fun Aunt Tiffers!

CALLIE said...

Hysterical!! Sounds about like what I would go through haha.