Monday, March 8, 2010

How Casie Got Her Swag Back.....

About every couple of months I have this need to step up my fashion. I am a teacher and my wardrobe consists of mostly conservative clothes.....I rotate between khaki pants, loosely fitted tops (for Helga's sake), and a jean jacket. So I thought I would step up my fashion a bit. Revamp the wardrobe. Casie needs some style....BAD. Teachers need swagger too. (I can't pull that word off! HA!) I have a couple of things that I have bought to do just that....

1. Accessories: I dig owls....Check out my owl necklaces! The silver one is a locket...I love lockets! I also have an Owl clutch! Adorable!!
2. Blazers: I have this heather gray blazer from Gap that I love! It is great for hiding problem areas (helga) and it can be dressed up or down!
I also got a cute black blazer!

3. Shoes: I am not sure how fashionable these shoes are but I know how comfy they are! What I am sporting right now are my Burlap woven TOMS. I love these shoes...and when you buy some you also get one pair for a child in another country. I chose my extra pair to go to Honduras.
Also, my sister introduced me to Soul of Africa. When you buy these shoes you help out orphans of AIDS in Africa. These are super comfy and just a classic loafer. I don't know how swaggalicious these things are but I feel pretty great when I wear them! I guess that is what matters anyway!


Unknown said...

Love the colorful owl necklace... Definitely the better choice! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Mar!