Monday, March 14, 2011

#12 Settle In

Andrew's sweet Mama (pronounced maw-maw) gave us her first set of bedroom furniture that she purchased at the age of 18. It has to be at least 60 years old! The furniture included a full size bed, a dresser, a vanity, and a bed-side table. It could all use a little sprucing up. So with Mama's permission, we did just that! My momma and I sanded off the old glossy finish and painted it a new guacamole color. (if you haven't' read my obsession with avocados, read it here) So here are the before and after pictures of our updated bedroom furniture.

It's sooo cute! I haven't decided what to do with those knobs yet!

"Casie, why is this under "#12 Settle In" on the Cradle List." Glad you asked.  Andrew and I hope to be able to purchase new bedroom furniture for our room in the future and use this fun, guacamole furniture in the nursery! Yay!


CALLIE said...

OOOOOOO I just love this!!! I need to do some sprucing up to my dresser too!

Spring said...

Casie... I found you! Can't wait to see more of the developing cradle list!